Making Every Charitable Donation Dollar Count

Have you ever donated a dollar or two to a person standing on the street corner with their cardboard sign, only to drive away wondering if that dollar will even help? That is often the case in giving. We have a desire to donate but find ourselves stuck between follow-through and wondering if our donation will make a difference. That is precisely the reason to turn to official 501c3 organizations such as Creating for Care.

We are living in strange times, right now. The Pandemic has propelled some into a place of guarded spending not knowing what is ahead, while others are thriving and have a desire to give back even more. Either way, it is vital to ensure that the money that is hard-earned is spent wisely with the best outcomes. Donation to unknown sources may not bring that assurance but working with a nonprofit can bring peace of mind.

How Do I Know What Charitable Cause is Right for My Donation Dollars?

Nonprofits are popping up all around. Maneuvering through all of them can feel exhausting and overwhelming. Quite honestly, it can seem almost as obscure as giving to the person on the street corner. Consequently, knowing how to choose the right nonprofit partnership is crucial.

Working through the process may feel daunting at first but following these simple approaches will ease the fear of choosing wrong and allow each donor to proceed with confidence in building an intentional donation partnership for their personal or professional giving budget.

  1. Find a mission that aligns with your core values
    • Why do they exist?
    • Who do they serve?
    • What is the driving force in the establishment of their organization?
  2. Find an organization that is impacting the community of which you exist
  3. Find others you know that believe in that organization
  4. Find evidence that the organization is organic to their professed cause
    • Look for transparency in their work.
    • Identify pictures and testimonials that back their claims
    • Determine if they have volunteer opportunities beyond monetary donations
  5. Find testimonials of the impact

Once you have established the organization you align with, the next step is to determine your reason for giving.

Charitable Donations are Better with Personal Purpose

Once a charitable organization resonates as a good fit for partnership, it is crucial to dig into the personal reasons for aligning with them. People give for a variety of reasons. Knowing those reasons will enlighten the path for purposeful donation budget decisions. Just as it is important to know where the donations are going, it is vital to know your purposed plan as the donor in order to avoid falling into a pattern of giving that is either out of your budget or not what you hoped.

Most people give for the following reasons:

  1. The cause speaks to personal experiences
  2. The cause supports the same cliental as the person or the company of the person
  3. The cause meets the needs of tax benefits while doing good things
  4. The cause helps the person feel good about something bigger than themselves
  5. The cause is supported by others they know, and they want to get involved
  6. The cause is impacting and well known
  7. The cause memorializes in some way

When you determine your reason for seeking out a place for your charitable donations, finding a mission that meets your purpose, then giving becomes intentional, focused, and peaceful.

Creating for Care meets many of those reasons and are here to serve our community, both as the donor catalyst, as well as for those as recipients of our service. If you want to know more, please research us at or email for more information at

